Inner Inmate Mindfulness and Wisdumb
Life consists of only moments, nothing more than that. And since this moment is the only moment that we ever have, nothing matters more than this moment. Therefore when we make this moment matter, Life is All that matters...if just for a moment ❤
Agustin (Gus) Castellanos, M.D.
UMass Certified MBSR Teacher, Retired Neurologist & Sleep Specialist,
Adjucnt Instructor Nova Southeastern University, Davie, Fl
Gus Castellanos, M.D., attended the University of Miami undergraduate and Medical School, receiving his M.D. degree in 1980. He trained at Emory University School of Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine, and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. He received Board Certification in Neurology in 1987 and Sleep Medicine in 1994. He was Assistant Professor in Neuro-Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center before relocating to practice Neurology & Sleep Medicine in Palm Beach County, Fl, in 1987. In 2006, he retired from the practice of Medicine. He trained and received certification to teach MBSR from the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society in 2017. He trained with and contributed to Amishi Jha Mindfulness Based Attention Training at the University of Miami and trained to teach Mindfulness Oriented Recovery Enhancement with its developer, Eric Garland of the University of Utah. He has completed Levels I and II of MBI TAC assessor training with Rebecca Crane and coordinates the MBI TAC assessor Support for integrity in Teacher Training (SiTT) meetings.
In 2020 Dr. Castellanos was hired as an Adjunct Instructor by Nova Southeastern University to teach and research mindfulness-based programs.
During his medical career, Dr. Castellanos served as Medical Director of The Sleep Center at Jupiter Medical Center, President of the Florida Society of Neurology, Chief of Neurology at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, and Co-Director of Jupiter Medical Center’s Stroke Center. He founded and served as Medical Director of Carelink Clinic (a volunteer clinic bringing medical care and humanitarian services to the underserved, uninsured people in northern Palm Beach County) and Founder and Medical Liaison of A.W.A.K.E. Sleep Apnea Support Group, Palm Beach County. Dr. Castellanos attended his first Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course in 1998 and has been practicing mindfulness ever since. In 2009 he began teaching mindfulness workshops and classes, and in 2010 he began teaching MBSR and teaching and researching other mindfulness based programs. He is also a personal mindfulness trainer. Gus teaches MBSR for Mindful Leader virtually. He also delivers mindfulness-based programs for Nova Southeastern University, Community Health Nurses, Children's Services Council of Palm Beach, and GEN2050. He also provides concierge-level personal mindfulness training for Palm Beach Wellness Insitute. He facilitates a monthly IOP mindfulness group at Best Life Counselling. Sicne 2009, Gus has facilitated mindfulness programs and workshops for Sari Asher Center For Integrative Cancer Care, University of Miami's Osher Center For Integrative Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Mindful Kids Miami, Connected Warriors, a non-profit serving and empowering Veterans and their families, UMindfulness, FIU College of Medicine, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Miami Dade Fire Rescue, Town of Jupiter, US Army, United Way of Broward, Trustbridge Hospice of Palm Beach County, Jupiter Medical Center, College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Akerman, LLP, Searcy, Denny, Scarola, Barnhart Law Firm, Conference of County Court Judges of Florida, Hanley Treatment Center, A New Day Treatment Center, The Wellness Center at Ultima Fitness Center, American Express, SocialCode (Code3), Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants, Tiger 21, Junior League of the Palm Beaches, NCH Healthcare in Naples (a Mayo Clinic affiliate), Harbour's Edge - A Lifespace Community, St Andrew's School in Boca Raton, Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, Florida Atlantic University School of Social Work, eClerx LLC, Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Monroe County, Florida Dept of Health nurses, LeBeau Excel, Albizu University, Sierra Tucson, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Children's Service Council of Broward, The Red Thread Center, Mind, Music, Movement Foundation for Neurologic Disorders and The Mindful Path.
Responding to the challenges of the 2020 pandemic, Gus designed and delivered a six-week mindfulness program, Stress Reduction through Attention Training (SRAT), to approximately 140 NSU students, faculty, and staff. He also developed and delivered a three-month mindfulness support program to K-12 Teachers working in South Florida with NSU. NSU researched both the SRAT and support program.
Since 2011, Gus has facilitated mindfulness programs and weekly sessions at a local prison. He lectures widely and writes a bi-monthly South Florida Mindfulness newsletter with ~ 2500 subscribers. He founded a local mindfulness teacher sangha in 2011 and was one of the meditation teacher trainers at Innergy Meditation in South Beach in 2019.
Gus co-organized and co-hosted the "A Mindful South Florida" event in December 2109. This event brought together nationally known leaders in the field of mindfulness and mental health, trauma, school violence, and criminal justice. Over 600 people registered for the main symposium and seven workshops throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. He is a founding member of South Florida Mindful Communities, a diverse, dedicated group of mindfulness teachers and advocates committed to providing the benefits of mindfulness through Mindfulness-Based Programs, education, professional development, and events to South Florida communities. Gus is involved in mindfulness research with Florida International University School of Public Health and Nova Southeastern University and previously at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, FIU College of Medicine, and Amishi Jha's Lab at the University of Miami. He helps doctorate candidates with their mindfulness research projects as a PhD committee member or consultant.
Gus serves on Palm Healthcare Foundation, Inc.’s "Train the Brain" campaign Advisory Board and planning committee and on the External Advisory Board (EAB) of the NIH-funded Research Center in Minority Institutions at Florida International University (FIU-RCMI).
Gus has been a member of Recovery Dharma Palm Beach County since its inception and leads the Recovery Dharma meetings in Jupiter.
Although it is my intention to stay in the Mystery and out of the MyStory, below are parts of my story in a variety of podcasts and interviews
My journey from Medicine to Mindfulness, from addiction to recovery, and from prison to prison volunteer discussed on Present Moment Mindfulness July 2019 - LISTEN HERE
My interview with Dr. Deb Lindh for her PTSD and Beyond Podcast. Discussing mindfulness and sleep and such. Aug 2020 LINK HERE
My July 2020 interview on Epic Love Show discussing my journey from Medicine to Mindfulness and my razor-wire retreat:

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my interview on NPR's Maximum Health Radio Show, "Quality Living" with Dr. Ken Grey Jan 2017
Razor Wire Retreat – my interview with Tom Gentry on The Path to Authenticity podcast
My conversation with Sofia Puerta Webber, Bilingual Yoga Therapy & MBSR teacher and founder of Shiwido™ May 2021. I shared my story, and we shared experiences with recovery, trauma, and mindfulness.

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My Feb 2022 interview with Sasy Cacace of First Responder Yoga discussing the benefits of Mindfulness for First Responders 👇

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Grateful to have been interviewed by Allan Goldstein, for his MBSR Teacher Mentorship group in Feb 2022 👇

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Agustin (Tino) Castellanos, M.D., my father who helped develop the modern pacemaker, retires after nearly six decades as Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami School of Medicine Story LINK HERE and Dad's Curriculum Vitae
Agustin W. Castellanos, M.D., my grandfather Nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine twice (Propuesta para el Premio Nobel de Fisiologia o Medicina) link here and LINK HEREGrandfather's story written by A. CASTELLANOS, M.D. and A.M. CASTELLANOS, M.D. in Profiles in Cardiology, Clinical Cardiology, 1985 (edited by J. Willis Hurst, M.D.) Link Here
Daniel Castellanos, MD, my brother is Professor, Dept Psychiatry and Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education, Creighton Univeristy, Phoenix. Previously he was Founding Chair, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health, Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health and Pediatrics FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. He has received several awards for outstanding teaching and has served as a mentor for numerous practicing child and adolescent psychiatrists. He has given numerous presentations on these topics and published a book and several articles related to mental health of children and adolescents. LINK HERE